For many people, especially those who are not familiar with martial arts, the question often arises on what the difference between karate and kung fu is. Upon watching somebody doing martial arts, the untrained eye will find it hard to tell whether that person is doing karate or kung fu.Read More →

To hear Hollywood – and some martial artists – tell it, the only martial arts worth knowing are the ancient, secret styles taught by monks hidden away in fantastical mountains who never teach their mysteries to outsiders. The older and more pure a martial art is, the better. The fewerRead More →

Now days you can get your black belt in dance-gymnastics and playing with toy swords! It’s called earning your XMA black belt. It is so super badass and emotional!! You get to bow even though XMA has nothing to do with Asian culture besides the crazy Asian dude who runsRead More →

By Lordus Sapiens — Currently Fighting at a “Koom-Me-Tay” in his buddy Bob’s back yard (you should see the trophy!) Frank Dux is one of the most famous martial arts frauds in the world, mostly because the movie Bloodsport was supposedly based on the real life exploits of “Grandmaster” Dux.Read More →

Jimmy, 6 years old, is going to test for his black belt and you better dang well expect him to pass…or else (angry parents)! He has never failed one promotion test ever, even that one time he completely forgot his form, and that one time he never broke a boardRead More →

It is a mass marketed self defense concept that borrows techniques from real martial arts. It is not unique as there are many other systems out there that do the same thing. It has become one of the largest so called systems being marketed by mcdojos worldwide. Krav Maga isRead More →

Now That’s a LOW BLOW | Funny Martial Arts FAILS | Know how to do Karate? Because these people don’t. You have to watch these karatefails and kungfufails. Americas Funniest Videos has the most epic library for #fail clips and we’ve put together a list that will make you laughRead More →