Parking Fight
The young guys decided to demonstrate their skills in a street fight. Place to fight between them was parking in downtown New York. One of the guys had sports equip ment with him. And they decidete too use it. Our correspondent was nearby, and managed to shoot a fragment ofRead More →
Bowling for Budo
Kata – More Than Just Karate… By Jesse Enkamp What do you know about kata? “Kata is a set of moves you perform in Karate” most people would say. Or “It’s these self-defense moves you do against imaginary opponents”. But the truth is that kata is not unique to martialRead More →
How to Make a Homemade Punching Bag
Boxing training and heavy bag training are essentially synonymous. If you are training to become a boxer, it is safe to assume that you will spend a considerable amount of time punching a bag. And if you do not hit a heavy bag, it is rarely by choice. Perhaps youRead More →
Retard-Fu can destroy paper! Remember?!
Amateur boxing. Street guy training
Today our korresponent made a video of training with boxing mitts. It is believed that focus mitt training is one of the best ways to develop defense, precision and pace. After the training we sat and discussed possible ways of integrating shadow boxing techniques into focus mitt training. The otherRead More →
Potential Kidnapper Chases Woman into Dojo… Leaves on Stretcher
A Karate Expert in Charlotte Helped Police to Apprehend a Potential Kidnapper After a Panicked Woman Ran Into his Dojo… When the Assailant Wouldn’t Leave and Became Violent, He Was Clinically Dealt With… Every now and then we get a real-life hero. This time its the chief instructor of BushikenRead More →
Are Traditional Martial Arts Really So Weak?
(LI SHIGONG) A short video on social media showing a “fight” between a mixed martial artist and a tai chi “master” recently attracted a lot of attention. On one side was Xu Xiaodong, a Beijing-based fighter, coach and promoter of the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) combat sport. In the otherRead More →
Why Martial Arts Don’t Work. Bullshido Exposed
Many martial arts are called Bullshido, yet we need to expose why would many martial arts don’t work. This time AikidoSiauliai channel features self defense instructor Grahm Baker who shares with us his insights about how most martial arts are trained and why martial arts don’t work in a realRead More →
First day of training in New York
On March 25th, 2018 we made a brief video shoot of martial arts group training at Mr. Ben’s place in Queens, NY nearby Bombay theater. Mr. Ben has been teaching martial arts of 12 years (boxing, karate, muay thai, etc). In this short phone recorded video you may see youngstersRead More →