Many martial arts are called Bullshido, yet we need to expose why would many martial arts don’t work. This time AikidoSiauliai channel features self defense instructor Grahm Baker who shares with us his insights about how most martial arts are trained and why martial arts don’t work in a real self defense situation.
If you want to learn more about Grahm Bakers work, make sure you check his website:
If you ever questioned if martial arts don’t work, this video presented by Grahm Baker explains very simply and well, why most martial arts don’t work. It is important that all Bulshido is exposed, because many people invest years of their training in these practices sincerely believing that they work in a real setting while actually the cost of realizing the truth may be very big.
While if you want to know why martial arts don’t work, there are also many other great videos which touch the same subject that martial arts don’t work. Many of them call out bullshido and some even have bullshido exposed. If you want to see these videos make sure you type why martial arts don’t work in youtube search and check other videos. You will realize that it is not the only video which addresses and has bullshido exposed and that it is an important and valuable issue.