Someone Check Bohdi In Already… Part 2

Here’s a screen shot of Mudit later trying to cover his ass (because it amuses me):

Can you smell the stink of “Oh, man…I really fucked up…”? And , of course, Mudit is deleting any comment that contradicts his version of events, just like his lord and master Bohdi taught him.
This isn’t the first time Bohdi has been caught fabricating documents (including some of his rank certificates). Currently he has taken to posting a doctored version of the cover of my book, A Monkey’s Guide to Faking Your Martial Arts Credentials anywhere he thinks it might damage Alain Burrese’s reputation. Here’s the Bohdi version:

The real cover on Amazon:

It’s worth noting that the doctored book cover first appeared on a number of fake Alain Burrese web sites that suddenly appeared on the internet a while back but were then quickly taken down when it was quickly proven that they had been created by imposters with the intent of harassing and smearing Burrese.

Bohdi attempts to make other arguments. One of the more ludicrous is that a statement I made in my book A Monkey’s Guide to Faking Your Martial Arts Credentials proves that Burrese and I are the same person:

Now, I’m impressed that Bohdi actually read my book (I figured he had when his most recent fake certificate seemed to follow my instructions), but aside from the fact that Bohdi stupidly admits that he really is harassing Burrese, his “logic” is hopelessly flawed. Don Roley actually explains this well, so I’ll let him explain from the piece he just published regarding Bohdi’s current antics:

You can read the entire article here: Don Roley Article.

Bohdi goes on to make a big deal about the Lordus Sapiens-MTTKDGUY connection. Old news. Everyone knows I wrote the piece on Bullshido that first exposed Bohdi under the handle MTTKDGUY. That doesn’t mean anything in the context of Burrese.

Burrese isn’t me.

I’m not Burrese.

Yup…Richard posted this on his own web site…so what does it all mean? How should we interpret this? Is it a man out with his family, or a drunk out whoring around? As a little brown man said recently: “I leave it the wisdom of the reader to decide.”
Then he goes on to dredge up things he and Richard Hackworth have been spreading all over the internet for a long time now, like the fact that Alain got demoted once in the Army. Big deal. This isn’t news. Alain talks about it in various writings and on his site. Who cares? Lots of people get in hack in the Army. I would be more concerned about someone who DIDN’T sow some oats in their twenties. There are pictures of Richard Hackworth all over the internet of him hanging off of Asian hoochie-mommas with alcohol in his hand (he posts them himself sometimes). Does that mean Hackworth is a drunk who spends all his time in Asian whorehouses? I would like to think so, but it’s not conclusive evidence, just tacky behavior.

Bohdi claims: “Two independent investigators investigated Alain Burrese’s claims of being a sniper and a sniper instructor in the Army and found that he lied about BOTH! He was neither a sniper nor a sniper instructor. He served as an assistant to the sniper instructor for merely 60 days.”

Well, first off, this statement is contradictory in that, in the Army, in order to assist the sniper instructor, Burrese would have had to have successfully completed sniper training which would make him – ta-da! – an Army sniper! Bohdi, being that he has never been a “warrior” of any kind or by any stretch of the imagination, is simply an uneducated idiot in this area. Besides that, Burrese went to pains to present his certificates, etc. online to put this to rest. Amusingly, one of Bohdi’s sources is Hackworth (the other “investigator” is his “active duty Green Beret,” I guess) who served and should know better, but apparently doesn’t, so maybe Hackworth DID spend all his time in bars and whorehouses when he was in the Army. It’s worth noting, again, that there is no legal way Bohdi could have access to this information to start with, AND Bohdi’s version of this has changed over time as true facts have come to light. Fake news and an absolute fabrication.

Bohdi claims to have been told by the VA or someone within the VA that there is no record of Burrese using his veteran’s benefits, which apparently could mean that Burrese was dishonorably discharged. Again, no one in the VA is going to have this conversation with Bohdi or pull files for Bohdi, or anyone else on his behalf. Besides, Burrese was a poor boy from Thompson Falls, MT, fresh off the boat after having taught English in Korea for a while. No way he can afford law school without those VA benefits. Bohdi simply made this up. It’s funny, though, because if a stolen valor group had looked into Burrese as Bohdi claims, they would know the exact nature of Burrese’s discharge and there would be no need to pretend you somehow accessed VA records that might or might not have suggested that Alain might have been dishonorably discharges. Bohdi would fucking know, and this embellishment would be completely unnecessary. Bohdi can’t even maintain the internal logic of the circular argument he is trying to build.

God, what a shit show…and it just keeps getting worse.

Bohdi claims Burrese was sued for defamation while he was in the Army, but he provides no proof.

Bohdi claims Burrese has a history of libeling people, but other than his belief that Burrese is me (and this piece of fabricated evidence), he provides no proof.

Bohdi claims Burrese can’t find a job as a lawyer, but it’s well known that beyond picking up occasional bits of legal work on the side from time to time, Burrese doesn’t really like lawyering and that he has no interest in a full-time job as an attorney. In spite of this, he is still highly enough thought of to be invited by the University of Montana law school to do work for them from time to time, and he is in good standing with the State Bar.

You know, Bohdi used to be a school teacher, but his contract wasn’t renewed and he turned to writing his quote books full time. So, what are we supposed to assume about Bohdi’s teaching career? What is he guilty of? What was the scandal that led to his teaching demise? I could have a lot of fun with this, but it would be pure bullshit speculating…but do use your own imagination if you like.

Funny thing about the bar association stuff, tho…

In Bohdi’s rant, he tries to suggest that Burrese is having issues with the State Bar (he’s not, go check the Montana State Bar’s web site to check his status if you want), but in the screen shots Bohdi uses, it’s clear that Burrese is talking about Bohdi (and possibly Hackworth?) when he mentions having to respond to two State Bar complaints. So, am I to take that as suggesting that Bohdi and Hackworth have been been filing complaints with the Montana State Bar in order to harass Burrese?

So, who here is really guilty of harassing who?

With all this going on, is it really so amazing that someone might want to beat up or piss on Bohdi Sanders? It’s unfortunate that someone pretending to be Burrese’s friend betrayed his confidence by sharing statements made in (understandable) frustration like this, but as we all know too well…there are lots of worthless whores in the world, and the martial arts.

I will, however, go on the record as saying I would LOVE to piss on Bohdi Sanders like the Samurai in Shogun. The only problem is there would be a long line to wait through for my turn…and I’m pretty sure Bohdi would like it.


Bohdi, Bohdi, Bohdi…

There’s a difference between what I do and what you do.

When I say “Bohdi Sanders is a fake black belt who posted fake certificates he never earned on his web site,” I back it up with proof…which to date has been screen shots from your own web sites and your own words.

When you say anything about me or Burrese, you just vomit nonsense and conspiracy theories, but never any proof. You even go as far as to fabricate “evidence” or have other people do it for you.

I am truthful.

You are a pathological liar with no honor…and more and more, not even a good one.

Be sure to give Richard and Mudit a big wet kiss for me.

The Monkey is OUT!

Here’s a series of screen shots of Bohdi’s rant (before he starts re-writing it to cover his ass — sorry if it’s small, that’s what ctrl+ is for):

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