Martial arts are about honor, which makes lying about one’s education, prowess, or accomplishments an unforgivable sin. Real martial artists detest this kind of behavior, and actively condemn it. So what motivates anyone to attempt it? Especially in our Google-able times?
With this in mind, we took a look back at some of the most famous embellishers, frauds, and nutjobs in martial arts history. It didn’t give us many answers, but it at least offered us plenty of stories of no-touch knockouts, mail order black belts, fake Russian boxing matches, and melting babies.
American Ryuku kempo karate master George Dillman has been a successful figure in the American martial arts scene since the ‘60s. He’s taught Muhammad Ali (or at least shared some awkward photo ops with Ali) and joined Black Belt magazine’s Hall of Fame as Instructor of the Year in 1997.
His claim to fame, no touch knockouts, is essentially the homeopathy of the martial arts world, though. He can’t seem to provide any scientific proof that his methods work, but at least he entertains the rest of us while he tries to offer both proof and excuses.
His protege Harry Thomas Cameron a.k.a. The Human Stun Gun, has been continuing this proud tradition of embarrassing himself and his art on TV. Above is a video of him failing to do anything to Stephan Bonnar.